The Bee was first created and run by Nicholas Kapper in 2004 at the school he had then founded and managed. He created a process that yielded educational results above and beyond his expectation. The program was only run one year as Nic moved onto public school education. Nevertheless, he continued to develop and expand the program until it became The Bee run today.
In 2013, with the opening of his own school, Eigo Day English School, in Kariya, Nic brought back the idea of the Spelling Bee. This time, his friend and colleague Michael Green joined the program with his school. They held the first intra-school Spelling Bee. Both Nic and Michael confirmed that this program was extremely beneficial to their students and school.
Searching for the best way to broaden the exposure of this successful program, Nic concluded that an NPO would be the best entity to move forward with the program, especially in order to keep the focus on the educational aspects. Michael agreed, and they found the 10 members necessary to start a non-profit organization.
Over the last 5 years, more and more students have used The Bee to improve their English. Watching students' alphabet knowledge, phonics ability, pronunciation, and reading skill improve as a result of the Bee confirms we took the right path in making our program easily available to students.
Every year, more schools try The Bee and more sponsors support our mission. The NPO will continue to write more great history through The Bee in Japan.
If you'd like to read about some children who've accomplished great things through this program, check out our Super Bees page.